1st & 2nd Grade
The goal of the primary team is to develop, nurture and encourage positive learners who know how to apply basic skills to create amazing products and projects. Children begin to blossom into excited learners with our low student-teacher ratio. Students participate in various instructional groupings to facilitate direct instruction and small group instruction. Grade level focus skills are introduced as a whole group, followed by differentiated small group instruction and center application.
Our program allows the teacher to meet the individual needs of all students within the classroom. Students are tested in the basics and placed appropriately in curriculum to address gifted and needs students. Students are able to work at their academic level while developing cooperative learning skills and working to their potential.
Students become able readers through a literacy enriched environment via our Benchmark Advance curriculum with an emphasis on building foundational literacy skills and a strong reading-writing connection. Writing skills are developed through the Lucy Calkins’ units of study. The Writers Workshop program provides students the opportunity to brainstorm, write, edit with peers, publish, and share
Children are immersed in a hands-on approach in mathematics through Eureka, direct instruction, and small group breakouts. Children are taught visualization and graphic strategies through CGI (cognitive guided instruction) along with manipulative applications. Math talks, math journals, math fact timings, and real world applications are stressed in our exceptional program.
EDUPRIZE offers a curriculum rich in science and technology. Students in the primary grades are continually engaged in extensive science programs. They attend specials where cottage-themed instruction is reinforced in the technology lab, science lab, and Live Learning Lab. There are hands-on experiences all over campus, which further extend and apply concepts taught in the classroom. Students use Chromebooks in every classroom on campus and iPads in our TOPS program. This not only allows us to differentiate curriculum for every child, but provides important diagnostic data to judge growth. Social Studies and the Arts are integrated into each cottage experience. The following thematic science units are taught at the primary level:
1st Grade Cottages
Students develop an understanding of how a community functions, including their local community, and how each member contributes to the common good.
Students develop an understanding of the effects of forces and waves, and how they can impact or be impacted by objects near and far away.
Students develop an understanding that earth materials are essential for organism’s survival.
Students develop an understanding that Earth supports a large variety of organisms and their survival depends on earth resources.
2nd Grade Cottages
Students develop an understanding of how a community functions, including their local community, and how each member contributes to the common good.
Students develop an understanding of observable properties of matter and how changes in energy (heating or cooling) can affect matter or materials.
Students develop an understanding of the role of water and wind in weather and environment impact. They study changing patterns in the sky with the position of the Sun, Moon, and stars.
Students develop an understanding that life on Earth depends on energy from the Sun or energy from other organisms to survive.
Interested in enrollment?
We are so excited that you are considering EDUPRIZE for your child, where you will discover Excellence in Education! Please complete the form below and an enrollment coordinator will contact you with more information.